Dragonball Z Bardock / Trunks Double Feature

Genre: Action / Martial Arts (Age Rating 13+)
Format: BLURAY (Region A)
Language: Bilingual - Japanese w/ English Subtitles and English Dubbed
Release: Funimation

Availability : Stocking Item - Usually Ships Within 24-48 Hours Unless Backordered

Remastered in high definition and digitally restored!

The History of Trunks
Goku is dead, victim of a deadly virus. Last of the Z Warriors to pass, the Super Saiyan's death has left the Earth far more vulnerable than ever before. With no one left to protect the planet, Androids 17 and 18 arrive to terrorize the great cities, plunging all into darkness where the inhabitants cower in fear. Is there no hope left in this apocalyptic horror? Is this the end? Goku's son, Gohan, is now a man, and with an extraordinary young teenager named Trunks by his side, the two are determined to face off against the threat. But as tragedy follows upon tragedy, the world around Trunks is fast collapsing and there seems no check to the evil of the Androids. This is the story of the future that never was.

Bardock - The Father of Goku
Before there was Goku, there lived his father Bardock. A low-class Saiyan soldier under the command of Frieza, Bardock is attacked by the last of an alien race they are employed in destroying. Healing on his home planet of Vegeta, Bardock discovers he has been blessed with the ability to see into the future. But the blessing soon becomes a curse, as the Saiyan finds himself haunted by visions: the tragic extermination of his own race and the destruction of their beloved planet, all at the hands of Frieza. Bardock sets off on nightmarish race with fate to avert the impending disaster. But as his strength fails and despair sets in, hope will be found in one last vision. This is the story of Bardock, the father of Goku.

Click to enlargeDragonball Z Bardok/Trunks Double Feature BLURAY
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