Genre: Action / Drama /
Science Fiction (Age Rating 15+)
Format: BLURAY (Region A)
Length: 270 Minutes
Language: Japanese w/ English Subtitles
Release: Sunrise
Availability :
Discontinued and Out of Print - Limited to Stock on Hand
Universal Century 0079. With the outbreak of the One Year War, the Principality of Zeon seeks new weapons and technology to counter the numerical advantage of the powerful Earth Federation.
For this purpose, Zeon assembles some of its finest engineers and officers to form the 603rd Technical Evaluation Unit, stationing them aboard the converted civilian vessel Jotunheim. Their mission is to test new prototype weapons, from long-range artillery, to tanks, to mobile pods. The crew of the Jotunheim evaluate these experimental weapons with care as they are drawn ever closer to the battlefront. But when the Federation begins its counteroffensive, surpassing Zeon's mobile suits with its development of the Gundam and the mass-produced GM, even more devastating new weapons are needed.
Bear witness to a side of the One Year War that until now has been shrouded in secrecy.