Machine Girl: Jacked! - click to enlarge

The Machine Girl: Jacked!

Genre: Action / Horror / Science Fiction (Live Action) (Age Rating 18+)
Format: BLURAY (Region A)
Length: 97 Minutes
Language: Bilingual - Japanese w/ English Subtitles and English Dubbed
Release: Media Blasters

Availability : Stocking Item - Usually Ships Within 24-48 Hours Unless Backordered

Ami is your average schoolgirl trying to provide a normal life for her younger brother and herself following the tragic death of their parents. 

But her whole world comes crashing down when her brother and his friend are brutally murdered by a ruthless gang of bullies headed by the spoiled brat son of a local yakuza boss! When Ami sets out to avenge her slain sibling, she soon finds herself over her head and minus a left arm! Bleeding profusely and barely alive after a vicious yakuza attack, Ami seeks shelter at an auto repair garage where two sympathetic mechanics take pity on her and help rehabilitate her. To aid her in her unrelenting quest for revenge, they fit her arm stump with a custom prosthetic arm that sports a high-powered rotary machine gun!

Ami meets and teams up with the equally vengeful mom of her dead brother’s slain friend, and together they wage an unholy two-woman war against the yakuza’s deadliest hitmen and an army of lethal ninja assassins in the cinema’s greatest all-out apocalyptic bloodbath! 

The Machine Girl: Jacked! The Definitive Decade One Deluxe Edition features the film directed by Noboru Iguchion on Blu-ray
and almost two hours of special features on DVD in this two disc set.

Click to enlargeThe Machine Girl: Jacked! Deluxe Edition BLURAY (Live Action)
MB- 631595191585 $34.98RACS Price $26.87Quantity:

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