Pumpkin Scissors - click to enlarge

Pumpkin Scissors

Genre: Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Military / Shounen (Age Rating 16+)
Format: DVD (Region 1)
Length: 600 Minutes
Language: Bilingual - Japanese w/ English Subtitles and English Dubbed
Release: Funimation / ADV Films

Availability : Discontinued and Out of Print - Limited to Stock on Hand

After a long war with the Republic of Frost,
the Empire abruptly signs a cease-fire, ending the war.

Three years later, the Empire is in ruins with starvation and plauge. Former soldiers have become bandits. Former Anti-Tank Trooper, Randel Orlando, unexpectedly runs into and joins the Pumpkin Scissors platoon, an Imperial Army relief effort led by Alice L. Malvin to restore order to the war-torn Empire.

Some casualties of war never heal; yet for those who remain in power, the spoils can be sweet indeed. In the aftermath of the Great War, Lt. Alice Malvin is charged to take command of the Imperial Army's Intelligence Section Three, an elite team where even the newest member hunts down tanks with a handgun. Their code name: Pumpkin Scissors. Her mission: to sharpen IS3 into a deadly instrument of justice, and to expose the corrupt power-mad nobility who prey on the weak. But as Malvin starts to peel away the layers of a government cover-up involving a defunct super-soldier program, she discovers the existence of a military technology decades ahead of what the Army has!

Click to enlargePumpkin Scissors Complete Collection DVD Boxed Set (Esp #1-24) (S.A.V.E. Edition)

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