Rhysmyth Graphic NovelsGenre: Romance
/ Action (Age
Rating 13+)
: Discontinued and Out of Print - Limited to Stock on Hand
As America's newest and most popular sport, Rhysmyth features one-on-one dance battles atop a hi-tech glass court grid. When the music hits, you and your opponent dance across a digital minefield for the glory of being the fastest, most accurate and stylish Rhysmyther. In steps high school student Elena looking for a little something extra to beef up her college apps - without any success. Things can't get any worse when the same clumsiness that gets her permanently banned from the gymnastics team sends her face-first down a flight of stairs into an opportunity of a lifetime. Now Elena is thrust into the
fast-paced world of Rhysmyth, where getting your groove on can lead to rivalry
and romance! |
Rhysmyth , Vol #2, Graphic Novel |