Shonen Jump Manga MonthlyGenre:
Monthly Manga Magazine
: Discontinued and Out of Print - Limited to Stock on Hand
Why are Japanese animation, toys and video games so popular around the world? Because they're based on manga -- Japanese comics. The most popular manga magazine in Japan is Weekly Shonen Jump, the birthplace of the greatest artists and stories. Weekly Shonen Jump sells over 3.5 million copies every week, to ages ranging from elementary school students to adults--in a country with half the population of the U.S. Now, VIZ has brought SHONEN JUMP to the U.S., featuring the most popular comics from the original Japanese edition. Each issue of SHONEN JUMP contains over 300 pages of manga, plus artist interviews, card games, videogames, toys and anime information for just $4.95. Plus, the comics in SHONEN JUMP are printed in the right-to-left Japanese-reading format to preserve the original artwork--but with English sound effects to make them as easy to read in America as they were in Japan. Produced with the
cooperation of the original artists and editors, |
Shonen Jump, Issue #94, October 2010 |