They Were 11 <br> Graphic Novels - click to enlarge

They Were 11! Graphic Novels

Genre: Drama / Mystery / Science Fiction (Age Rating 13+)
Format: Graphic Novel, B&W
Author: Moto Hagio
English Language
Release: Denpa

Availability : Pre Order Item - Not Yet Released

In the distant future, a survival test strands ten space cadets on a derelict spacecraft.
Terror strikes when they discover an eleventh member of their crew!

Who is the imposter, and what do they want? Ten elite space cadets, from different races spread across the galaxy, are assigned to board a decommissioned spaceship as their final test. Their orders are to survive as long as they can with what they have. Once in the ship, they find that their crew has gained an eleventh member. Given the circumstances of the cadet selection process and how rushed the exams were, no one can remember the original members well enough to recognize which is the new face nor how they got there.

As the days pass, the eleven must deal with their suspicions of each other as well as the sudden news that the spaceship is in dire straits.

Click to enlargeThey Were 11! , Graphic Novel (Pre Order - Est Release Date Apr 22, 2025)
ISBN- 9781634428156 $19.99RACS Price $16.98Quantity:

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