Urusei Yatsura (2022)Genre: Comedy (Age Rating
14+) Availability :
Stocking Item - Usually Ships Within 24-48 Hours Unless Backordered Ataru Moroboshi is known for his incredibly bad luck, so when alien invaders challenge a random human to battle for the future of the Earth, guess who they pick? But to everyone’s shock, unlucky Ataru inexplicably manages to defeat his beautiful, electrically charged, and bikini-clad opponent, Lum — and in the process, he mistakenly convinces her he wants her hand in marriage! Given that Ataru’s still chasing after his old girlfriend (and just about any other attractive girl he meets), this means a new war of the worlds is just beginning. |
Urusei Yatsura (2022) Seasons 1 & 2 Collection BLURAY |